..works best on small screens!
Into Season 3
gamerdad It took a couple short first seasons, but the writers have now managed to disentangle the two main characters from their pre-show romantic partners. The long distance engagement fell off a cliff at the end of season one, while Maggie’s dude was crushed by falling space trash at the conclusion of season two. I know the will they won’t they trope is pretty common these days, but I suppose it wasn’t anything new in the 90s either and the same writers likely had some plans about making the central couple struggle for a couple seasons (albeit short seasons) with their connection despite existing romances. I may have mentioned this in a previous post, but I don’t recall much of either these early seasons back from when I watched it if I ever did, nor did my early viewing ever have much respect for order or continuity through my re-runs on cable approach to 1990s television. That is to say, this binge through is all pretty new to me.

Wednesday the 31st of July, 2024, deep after noon.
shades of game